We usually ship by DHL, EMS, HongKong Post, Singapore post, China Post. It depends on your option when you order. And 1949deal.com will send you tracking No. to your email after the products shipped. you may use http://www.17track.net/index_en.shtml to tracking you order.

The tracking websites are mainly as follows:
HongKong post: http://app3.hongkongpost.com/CGI/mt/c_enquiry.jsp
EMS: http://www.ems.com.cn/english-main.jsp
DHL: www.dhl.com
UPS: www.ups.com
TNT: www.tnt.com
Fedex: http://www.fedex.com/cn_english/
HK GSS: http://app3.hongkongpost.com/CGI/mt/enquiry.jsp
China Post: http://intmail.183.com.cn/item/itemStatusQuery.do?lan=0
HK EMS: http://app3.hongkongpost.com/CGI/mt/c_enquiry.jsp
Singapore Post: http://www.singpost.com/index.php